Photo by Evae

Central Fort Lauderdale holiday rentals

We found 1,149 holiday rentals — enter your dates for availability

Select from 273 houses, 217 apartments and other holiday rentals to find the perfect place for your stay in Central Fort Lauderdale. Whether you're travelling with your children and pets, with friends or just your children, holiday rentals have the amenities that you expect for your stay, which might include cable TV and a washer and dryer. Whatever you're looking for, you'll be able to choose a property to rent that has what everyone needs, including accessible or non-smoking choices.
  • Peace of mind
    Our Book with Confidence Guarantee gives you 24/7 support
  • More quality time
    From booking to staying, the whole process is simple and enjoyable
  • All the privacy of home
    Enjoy full kitchens, laundry, pools, gardens and more
  • More for less
    More space, more privacy, more amenities — more value

Frequently asked questions

What is the most popular type of holiday home accommodation in Central Fort Lauderdale?
Based on our data, houses are the most sought-after holiday home type in Central Fort Lauderdale. But of course, everyone’s idea of an epic trip isn’t going to be the same. Stayz has holiday homes with every size, shape and budget in mind, so you’re sure to find the perfect fit.
How much does it cost to rent a holiday home in Central Fort Lauderdale?
Several things determine what you’ll pay for a holiday home in Central Fort Lauderdale, like the type of property, length of stay and season. Still, all Stayz homes have something in common — unbeatable value. Simply add your travel dates to find your ideal fit.
How much does it cost to rent a beach house in Central Fort Lauderdale?
When you travel and the style and size of the property will influence how much you’ll pay for your beachside holiday home. Type in your Central Fort Lauderdale travel dates to see your options on Stayz. Looking for basics like WiFi, or perks like a private pool? Use the filters to pick the features and amenities you want in your holiday home.
Are there large group holiday homes in Central Fort Lauderdale?
Choose from 29 properties in Central Fort Lauderdale that can host a group of 10 or more guests. Whether you’re planning time away with extended family or an event like a birthday party, there’s plenty of space to get your group together under one roof.
Can I find two-bedroom holiday homes in Central Fort Lauderdale?
Choose from 113 two-bedroom holiday properties in Central Fort Lauderdale. Put the kids in the second room or fill it with a couple of your besties. There’s space for whoever’s fortunate enough to come along for the ride.
Are there holiday homes with WiFi in Central Fort Lauderdale?
Central Fort Lauderdale has 216 holiday homes with WiFi, so you can stay connected while you’re on holiday. Simply check the “WiFi” box in our handy search filter for a list of properties with this feature. From streaming TV shows with the family to writing and sending emails, these Stayz homes make it easy to get online.
How old do you have to be to rent a holiday home in Central Fort Lauderdale?
The minimum required age is normally 16, 18 or 21. It can change from one property to another on Stayz, so look at the rules of your preferred Central Fort Lauderdale stay before you book.
How long can I rent a holiday home in Central Fort Lauderdale for?
The amount of time you can book a Central Fort Lauderdale holiday home for is up to the property. Simply put in your dates of travel to see available options that offer long-term stays. They come with all you need to make your extended break more convenient and enjoyable, such as laundries and air conditioning. Some holiday homes may also offer weekly or monthly discounts, so you can stay even longer for less.

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