Les Baumettes holiday rentals

We found 722 holiday rentals — enter your dates for availability

Discover a selection of 109 apartments and other holiday rentals in Les Baumettes that are perfect for your trip. Whether you’re staying in a holiday home with friends, family or even just your pets, you'll have the best amenities for spending time at your home away from home, which might include parking and a hot tub. No matter what you're looking for, you're sure to find a property to rent for everyone's needs, including a place that is accessible or non-smoking.

Frequently asked questions

What is the most popular type of holiday home accommodation in Les Baumettes?
The most desirable types of holiday homes in Les Baumettes are apartments. Prefer something different? Stayz has numerous options to match the unique needs of our guests, so you’ll see properties in lots of shapes and sizes. The perfect home away from home is waiting for you — find yours today.
How much does it cost to rent a holiday home in Les Baumettes?
Several things affect how much you’ll pay for a holiday home in Les Baumettes, including the time of year, length of stay and property type. However, all of our holiday homes have something in common — amazing value. Simply add your travel dates to find your ideal fit.
How much does it cost to rent a beach house in Les Baumettes?
When you travel and the size and style of the property will influence how much you’ll pay for your beachside stay. Type in your Les Baumettes travel dates to view your available options on Stayz. Did someone just say “hot tub”? Use the filters to choose the amenities and features you want.
Are there pet-friendly holiday homes in Les Baumettes?
You’re in luck! There are. You’ll have your pick of 91 holiday homes that cater to pets in Les Baumettes. Some of our pet-friendly holiday homes even have a garden for your fur baby to play around in, special dog beds, complimentary treats and proximity to parks or green space. Apply the “Pets allowed” filter to find your pawfect digs on Stayz.
Can I rent a house with a pool in Les Baumettes?
Add a new level of fun to your adventure by booking your group into one of the five houses with a private pool in Les Baumettes. Use our search filter to find the kind of property you want on Stayz, and then spend lazy days splishing and splashing in a swimming pool that’s just for you.
What are popular home amenities in Les Baumettes?
The most popular home amenities people are looking for in Les Baumettes are an electric car charging station, ski-in/ski-out facilities and an ocean view. Whether you’re travelling with family, friends or even pets, Stayz holiday properties come with the best amenities for making new memories with the people you cherish the most.
Are there large group holiday homes in Les Baumettes?
Take your pick of 30 Stayz holiday properties in Les Baumettes that can host five or more people. You’ll enjoy all the privacy and space you need to hang out with your favourite people — and no one else.
Are there holiday homes in Les Baumettes that welcome kids?
Les Baumettes has 91 family-friendly holiday homes to pick from. And tracking down a stay that welcomes children is a cinch with our “Properties good for families” filter. Besides having the entire place to yourselves, you’ll get perks and conveniences such as extra bedrooms, yards and private pools.
What are the top attractions for families in Les Baumettes?
Keep your kids occupied at these awesome family-friendly attractions in Les Baumettes:

  • Marc Chagall National Museum
  • Blue Beach
  • Opéra Beach

Are there one-bedroom holiday homes in Les Baumettes?
You can choose from 42 one-bedroom homes in Les Baumettes. Whether you want a cosy chalet or an upmarket condo, our one-bedroom properties are great if you don’t need huge amounts of space. One of the main perks of having your own digs? You won’t need to share your adventure with strangers.
Can I find two-bedroom holiday homes in Les Baumettes?
Les Baumettes has 30 two-bedroom holiday properties to choose from. Find a holiday home with all the privacy and comfort you’re looking for at a price you’ll love on Stayz.
Are there holiday homes with WiFi in Les Baumettes?
Les Baumettes has 35 holiday homes with WiFi, so you’ll be able to stay connected while you’re travelling. Simply check the “WiFi” box in our handy search filter for a list of properties with this feature. From streaming movie blockbusters to posting pics on social media, these Stayz homes make it a cinch to go online.
How can I find holiday homes with air conditioning in Les Baumettes?
There are 70 Stayz holiday homes with air conditioning in Les Baumettes giving you that cool, cool breeze and extra comfort level. Enter your preferred dates of travel and then take advantage of our filters to find properties with air conditioning.
How old do you have to be to rent a holiday home in Les Baumettes?
The minimum age is typically 16, 18 or 21. It can change across properties on Stayz, so check the rules of your chosen Les Baumettes holiday home before you book.
How long can I rent a holiday home in Les Baumettes for?
It’s really down to the Les Baumettes property. To look over a list of options offering extended stays, just type your travel dates and guest number into Stayz. You can look forward to having the property to yourself, along with home comforts like air conditioning, a fully-equipped kitchen and outdoor spaces where your little ones can play. Keep your eyes open for long-term stays that offer weekly or monthly discounts.

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