Roldan holiday rentals

We found 208 holiday rentals — enter your dates for availability

Select from 36 houses, 202 apartments and other holiday rentals to find the perfect place for your stay in Roldan. Whether you're travelling with your children and pets, with friends or just your children, holiday rentals have the amenities that you need and want for your stay, which might include a pool and a washer and dryer. You'll be able to choose a property to rent to meet everyone's needs, including options that are accessible or non-smoking.
  • Peace of mind
    Our Book with Confidence Guarantee gives you 24/7 support
  • More quality time
    From booking to staying, the whole process is simple and enjoyable
  • All the privacy of home
    Enjoy full kitchens, laundry, pools, gardens and more
  • More for less
    More space, more privacy, more amenities — more value

Frequently asked questions

What is the most popular type of holiday home accommodation in Roldan?
Apartments are the most popular kind of holiday home in Roldan, according to our data. Even if you have something a little different in mind, Stayz has holiday homes in loads of shapes and sizes. Browse our options to find your perfect pad.
How much does it cost to rent a holiday home in Roldan?
Season, property type and length of stay are some factors that can influence the price of a holiday home. Simply add your dates of travel to find your perfect fit. From homey country cottages to expansive villas, all Stayz holiday homes offer amazing value.
How much does it cost to rent a beach house in Roldan?
The average price for a holiday home near the beach in Roldan will depend on when you’re going and the size and style of property you’re searching for. You can quickly and easily find prices on Stayz by entering your preferred travel dates. Then use our handy filter tool to select the number of bedrooms and amenities that you prefer, such as WiFi, a pool and air conditioning.
Are there pet-friendly holiday homes in Roldan?
Pack up a suitcase for the pooch in your life because Roldan has 192 stays that welcome pets with open arms. Let your four-legged buddy join in with the family fun at one of our pet-friendly holiday homes on Stayz. Simply enter your travel dates then check the “Pets allowed” filter box.
Can I rent a house with a pool in Roldan?
Mark the “pool” box in our filter tool and you can choose from 190 houses with private pools in Roldan on Stayz. Ball games, gentle soak or noodle joust? How you spend your leisure time is up to you when your Stayz holiday property comes with its own swimming pool.
What are popular home amenities in Roldan?
Some of the most popular home amenities people are searching for in Roldan include a sauna, a fireplace and a barbecue grill. Whether you’re on the road with buddies, family or even pets, Stayz holiday homes include the best amenities for beginning new traditions with the people you cherish the most.
Are there large group holiday homes in Roldan?
You’ll find 53 properties in Roldan that can host five or more people. From family get-togethers to a special event, these stays have ample space to gather with the people that matter the most.
Are there holiday homes in Roldan that welcome kids?
Gather your whole family for fun-filled adventures in Roldan at one of our 192 family-friendly holiday homes. These stays offer conveniences that are just perfect for trips with youngsters, like kitchens, extra bedrooms and pools. Just check the “Properties good for families” filter box and pick your favourite.
What are the top attractions for families in Roldan?
There’s a ton of fabulous things to do and see with the family in Roldan, such as:

  • Mar Menor Golf
  • Saurines de la Torre Golf Resort
  • Club de Golf Torre Pacheco

Can I find two-bedroom holiday homes in Roldan?
Roldan has 167 two-bedroom holiday homes that you can choose from. Find a holiday home with all the comfort and privacy you want at a price that won’t break the bank on Stayz.
Are there holiday homes with WiFi in Roldan?
Roldan has 136 holiday homes with WiFi, so you’ll be able to stay connected during your trip. Simply check the “WiFi” box in our search filter for a list of properties with this feature. From streaming movies with the family to sending emails, these Stayz homes make it a cinch to get online.
How can I find holiday homes with air conditioning in Roldan?
Roldan has 139 holiday homes where you’ll be able to unwind in air-conditioned comfort. To book a property on Stayz with this amenity, enter your preferred travel dates and use the filters to select the “air conditioning” box.
How old do you have to be to rent a holiday home in Roldan?
The minimum required age is generally 16, 18 or 21. It can change across properties on Stayz, so look at the rules of your chosen Roldan holiday home before making a booking.
How long can I rent a holiday home in Roldan for?
The length of time you can book a holiday home in Roldan is up to the property. Simply enter your desired travel dates to see a list of options offering extended stays. With a range of creature comforts such as washing machines and kitchens, as well as some offering weekly or monthly discounted prices, you’re sure to discover a perfect place to call your home away from home in Roldan.

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