We slept well: beds were comfortable, and the neighborhood was quiet. We thought we had reserved the “A” side of the duplex, shown in the online photo as one level, but found we had the “B” side, which has two levels. There are three steps between the entry level with two bedrooms and the spacious main level (open plan kitchen, dining room and living room) and the bathroom. The lowest step is half depth, and there is no railing. The dark steps blended in with the dark floor, so we moved the light-colored hall carpet over to draw attention to the steps. A foosball game filled the side of the entry hall. We liked the bathroom’s shower, because it had a good overhead shower and a separate handheld spray, plus an anti-slip mat on the tub floor. Dining room chairs were comfortable, and the table was suitably large. The duplex was less than 15 minutes from Kent Narrows seafood restaurants and not much farther from a supermarket and drug store at Chester. The entry access code was sent one hour before 3:00 p.m. check-in!