By booking, you agree to all house rules:
If you want early check-in or late check-out, please reach out 48 hours prior to your arrival date. Availability is dependent on whether there is another same day check-in/check-out and may be subject to a $75 fee. Unapproved late checkout will result in a $100 charge.
Unapproved pets (with the exception of licensed service animals) will result in a $500 fee and may result in an immediate eviction.
Smoking - Smoking inside the property is strictly prohibited. Any smell noticed by cleaners in the house, and / or any physical evidence of smoking any substance in the home will result in a fine of $500.00 to cover the cost of deep cleaning and ozone treatment.
Parties and Events - Parties and events are strictly prohibited. Quiet hours, which start at 10 pm, are strictly observed. To ensure that our guests do not exceed a certain volume level and disturb our neighbors, we use a NoiseAware decibel level monitoring device. They are located in the home's common area. Any evidence of a party or event, including camera footage, excessive garbage, or other evidence will result in a fine of $500.00, legal action, and possible eviction without reimbursement, plus the cost of any extra cleaning or damages that result from the event. We have ring cameras in the front and the back of the house for security purposes.
We kindly remind all guests that tampering with or unplugging Ring cameras is strictly prohibited. These cameras play a vital role in ensuring the security of our premises and protecting both you and our property. Please be aware that any unauthorized interference with the Ring cameras will be taken very seriously. In accordance with our policies and local regulations, guests found engaging in such actions may face fines of up to $500.
Missing or damaged items - Any evidence of willful or negligent loss or damage to the property, furnishings, decoration, landscaping, towels, linens or other items will be charged at direct replacement cost plus a fine of up to $250.00.
Towels and linens - Guests are required to keep towels and linens in good condition. Towels and washcloths should not be used to remove makeup or for cleaning purposes. Any permanent stains on towels or linens will fall into the category of negligent damage. Guests should NOT wash comforters or duvet comforters themselves as this can cause damage to those items and the washing machine.
House Rules - Any evidence of a guest breaking posted house rules, including exceeding the occupancy listed by the guest on the reservation, parking restrictions, illegal substances or use of the property can result in a fine of up to $1000.00 and/or eviction from the property.
Quiet hours: Official City quiet hours are between the hours of 11pm to 7am every day. During this time, please keep outdoor noise levels to minimum as to not disturb the neighbors and turn off all backyard lights. If using the hot tub during these hours, please keep noise levels to a minimum because if a neighbor hears, you will have to stop using it.