Welcome to our 16 acres Paradise on the earth in beautiful Adelaide Hills, 15 mins from city, with great views of city & sea beyond. Enjoy awesome sunsets from the deck in a hammock, walk in our private woods, listen to the birds singing, love our farm animals. Spot Kangaroo, koala on our property, trek in the Mother Nature. The peace & nature around will encourage you to meditate, breathe fresh air, get relaxed and rejuvenated. We have 3 bedrooms, living, dining with private entrance & kitchenette on offer.
The tariff for 3 bedrooms/max 6 people stay is $300.. Any extra person will be $50 extra per day. We have a sofa-cum-bed in living room to accommodate 7th person. Pets allowed are cats, dogs. Pet charges are $20 per day per PET. Owner also stays in the partly shared property.